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Anything on the internet that catches my attention may pop up here.

Interesting science podcast to follow:

Lex Fridman is an AI researcher working on autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction, and machine learning at MIT. This platform is a 'Joe Rogan styled' podcast but primarily focused on scientific topics. [More]

Sean Michael Carroll is a theoretical physicist specializing in quantum mechanics, gravity, and cosmology. Sean Carroll hosts conversations with the world's most interesting thinkers. Science, society, philosophy, culture, arts, and ideas. [More]

Artificial Inteligence/Machine Learning:

DeepLearning.AI : AI For Everyone

Coursera:By Andrew Ng

Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics/Computational Biology related pages

DrugDiscovery.NET :By Andreas Bender

Proteins and Wave Functions :By Jan Jansen

Computational Chemistry Daily:

Interesting science blogs to follow:

Michelle Lynn Gill: Currently a Senior AI and Deep Learning Scientist in Life Sciences at NVIDIA.